If both of your computer hard drives are named, for example, "Macintosh HD," then look for other hints. When you click on the line with the hard drive size & brand-model, it will give you more information about it down below. Each drive will show up as a cluster of names (2 or more) with the first line showing the hard drive size & brand-model and the second line showing your regular name for it. Be very very very careful here, we're going to repartition your target/downgrade drive and we must be sure of the correct one! You want to find the target computer-you-want-to-downgrade's hard drive name in the list on the left, NOT your host hard drive names. System mount on your host desktop (it might only appear on left side of a folder/Finder window if you've got your hard drives hidden from your desktop.)
Download the 10.6.8 Combo Updater v1.1 from the support site and place it on your host.You need a retail/box set of Snow Leopard (it might be possible to use the grey Snow Leo restore disc that came with your host Mac but lower your expectations on the outcome ).You need the Mac being downgraded (target computer) and a Firewire 400->400, 400->800, or 800->800 cable - depending on what kind of Firewire ports your machines have.10.5.8) and it is capable of running Snow Leopard, then you can actually use it as your host computer with this method. Although technically, if you have a Mac that runs regular Leopard (e.g. Need a Mac running Snow Leopard (10.6.x).
This Apple knowledge base explains how to make the recovery drive. Highly recommend you back up your Lion partition and make a Lion Recovery thumb drive before proceeding so that you can re-use Lion in the future. Please read the first paragraph of " Will a downgrade work for you?" to see what expectations you can have of this working for your given Mac. Below is the basic idea of the Target Disk Mode (TDM) method for downgrading your Mac.