Sherlock season 2 episode 1 summary
Sherlock season 2 episode 1 summary

The governor desperately grabs the gun and kills himself with it, but unfortunately that didn’t satisfy Euros’ cruel demand. He and Watson bond over the whole “dead wife” thing - wouldn’t John do anything for the chance to save his wife’s life? But when it comes down to it, Watson just can’t bring himself to murder a man in cold blood. The governor tries to make it easy for him. Mycroft doesn’t have the constitution to actually kill someone, so looks like it’s up to John. They’ve been given a gun Sherlock has to choose either Watson or Mycroft to shoot the governor, or else Euros shoots his wife. She introduces the first by revealing the governor’s wife bound and gagged behind her. She disconnects them from the girl, with the promise they have to earn more phone time to help save her by completing Euros’ tasks. They are then connected to the girl on the plane from the beginning of the episode, via a recording of Moriarty’s voice - Euros explains that the consulting criminal made her many such custom recordings before he died. Then we flash back to present, where Sherlock, Watson, and Mycroft are all in a cell together along with the hapless governor. They tell Mycroft to take his case to 221B Baker Street. Watson and Sherlock explain to Mycroft that Euros did in fact get out, appearing to both of them in disguise. Seems like a waste of a perfectly good cliffhanger, but okay. Watson is fine, by the way - apparently Euros’ gun was only a tranquilizer or something. The prospect of Euros’ return terrifies him, and he’s convinced she couldn’t have “gotten out.” Turns out she didn’t - the whole thing was a ruse put on by Sherlock and Watson, to force Mycroft to admit he’d been hiding the existence of the Holmes sister. For someone who is ostensibly the key to the British government, Mycroft rolls with pretty light security. Mycroft goes to investigate, and draws a hidden sword out of a nearby umbrella - pretty cool, but no replacement for an armed and trained security force, you would think. Then someone calls his name, and the lights start flickering. Anyway, Mycroft’s viewing session is interrupted by a message saying “I’m Back” spliced into the film. Lady Smallwood is nowhere to be seen, which begs the question why the show made such a big deal out of their prospective date in the last episode.

Sherlock season 2 episode 1 summary movie#

From there, we go to Mycroft watching an old movie in his personal basement theater.

Sherlock season 2 episode 1 summary